North Lincolnshire Local Plan
North Lincolnshire Council is preparing a new single Local Plan for North Lincolnshire. Once agreed (formally adopted), it will replace the current North Lincolnshire Core Strategy and the Housing and Employment Land Allocations Development Plan Documents (DPDs).
The process for preparing statutory Local Plans is set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Regulation 19 represents the final stage of the plan making process, prior to submission to Government for examination. The Regulation 19 version of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan represents the version of the plan that the Council intends to have a final consultation upon prior to submission to Government for Examination in Public.
The North Lincolnshire Local Plan publication version has been built upon the extensive work carried over our plan making period. The stages of this process have been:
- Issues and Options (Regulation 18) (2018) – the first stage of the process and set the scope of the new local plan and presented key issues along with a number of options;
- Preferred Options (2020) – informed by the issues and options stage, this stage established the Council’s preferred spatial strategy
What is a Local Plan and how it affects you?
A Local Plan sets out:
- The vision and objectives for the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure – as well as a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design.
- The policies and proposals will guide decisions and investment on development and regeneration up to 2036.
It is important that we get the Local Plan right so that North Lincolnshire continues to be a place where people want to live, work, visit and invest. The plan will help to deliver the council's vision – to be the 'best place' for our residents.
A Local Plan should be aspirational but realistic and provide enough flexibility to adjust to rapid change. Therefore, it must be based upon up-to-date facts (sound evidence).
Evidence BaseWhy do we need a new local plan?
Two reasons:
- A change in legislation (law) – since the Core Strategy was adopted, the legislative requirement for plan making has changed and the Government’s preferred approach is for each local planning authority to prepare a single Local Plan for its area.
- The Core Strategy needs to be reviewed/updated to take account of national planning policy changes.