Local Plan Stages
We'll consult on the preferred policies & site allocations/designations needed to deliver the plan’s vision & spatial objectives based on the findings from the Issues & Options stage.
Stage 3We'll publish a draft plan with supporting evidence, request stakeholder and community views.
Stage 4This document is an Addendum to the Publication Draft and contains only focussed proposed changes and any modifications to boundaries on the Policies Map.
Stage 5We'll submit the plan and supporting evidence to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate – examination (testing).
Stage 6 Stage 6a (now complete) – Gypsy and Traveller Site Focused ConsultationWe'll formally adopt the new plan, providing it’s been prepared correctly, and use it to determine planning applications.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
We are required to produce a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to set out how we will involve local communities, businesses and organisations in preparing the Local Plan and the planning application process. It includes details on how and when community involvement will take place and who will be consulted.
Statement of Community InvolvementLocal Development Scheme (LDS)
The timetable for preparing the various documents that make up the Local Development Framework.
Local Development Scheme