Chapter Contents


13 Sustainable Waste Management

Nearly all activities create waste, whether it is through the production or consumption of goods and services as part of the economy and wider society. This means that it needs to be managed in the most appropriate and sustainable manner. Waste is viewed as a resource rather than something that is to be disposed of, whilst its management is seen as being a part of efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Government policy set out in the National Waste Strategy (2013) clearly points towards a zero waste economy. This means that material resources like waste are re-used, recycled or recovered, wherever possible, and only disposed of as the last option. This contributes to developing a place that is cleaner and greener.

In a similar vein to the NPPF, the National Planning Policy for Waste (NPPW), stresses a positive approach to planning for waste management and delivering sustainable development in accordance with the Waste Hierarchy [36] [37]. This prioritises the options for managing waste in order according to their environmental impact.

Figure 9.1: The Waste Hierarchy

Preparing for re-use
Other recovery

North Lincolnshire hosts a number of waste management, treatment and disposal facilities. These range from hazardous and non-hazardous landfill sites to waste transfer stations and material recycling facilities. The waste industry is estimated to employ over 740 people (2011 data) in North Lincolnshire.

In line with Government guidance the Local Plan will, where necessary, make provision for the sustainable management of the following waste streams:

  • Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW): waste that is collected by the Council from households and businesses;
  • Commercial and Industrial Waste (C&I): waste arising from premises used wholly or mainly for trade, industry or industrial processes;
  • Construction, Demolition and Excavation Waste (CDEW): waste produced from the construction, repair, maintenance and demolition of buildings and structures and consisting mainly of associated rubble and soils;
  • Hazardous Waste: wastes that are defined by the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005;
  • Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW): wastes typically produced in small quantities by hospitals, academic facilities and medical research facilities;
  • Agricultural Waste: waste used in the course of the use of land for agriculture and produced in the course of farming; and
  • Waste Water: waste derived from sewage treatment works and sludge treatment plants.

Waste Management

National policy requires Local Plans, where appropriate, to make provision for the sustainable management of non-hazardous and hazardous waste, as well as low level radioactive waste, agricultural waste and waste water. The NPPW requires Local Plans to identify sufficient opportunities to meet the identified needs for managing waste in their area. This should be achieved by driving waste management up the waste hierarchy, provided this does not endanger human health or harm the environment.

Policy WAS1p: Waste Management Principles

Development that encourages and supports the minimisation of waste production, and the re-use and recovery of waste materials will normally be supported.

Proposals for waste management facilities to deal with waste arisings will be encouraged based upon the following principles:

  1. Managing waste through the waste hierarchy in sequential order. Sites for the disposal of waste will only be permitted where it meets a need which cannot be met by treatment higher in the waste hierarchy;
  2. Promoting the opportunities for on-site management of waste where it arises and encouraging co-location of waste developments that can use each other’s waste materials;
  3. Ensuring that sufficient capacity is located within the area to accommodate forecast waste arisings of all types during the Plan period;
  4. Supporting delivery of the North Lincolnshire Municipal Waste Management Strategy;
  5. Facilitating the development of recycling facilities across the area to ensure there is sufficient capacity and access for the deposit of municipal waste for re-use, recycling and disposal;
  6. Facilitating the development of a network of local waste management facilities in accessible locations, and effective methods of waste management such as suitable facilities to separate or store different types of waste, including materials that are required to be separated for kerbside collection schemes;
  7. Ensuring new waste developments are located and designed to avoid unacceptable adverse impacts on landscape, wildlife, heritage assets and amenity;
  8. Working collaboratively with neighbouring local authorities with responsibilities for waste and other local authorities where waste import/export relationships exist. This will ensure a co-operative cross boundary approach to waste management is established and maintained; and
  9. Addressing to an acceptable standard the potential cumulative impacts of any waste development and the way it relates to existing developments.

This policy sets out the council’s strategic planning framework and principles for sustainable waste management, reflecting the requirements of national policy and guidance, as well as the Waste Framework Directive. It supports the need to minimise the amount of waste produced in North Lincolnshire, and seeks to move the management of all waste streams up the waste hierarchy. Waste will be viewed as a resource, with a greater emphasis on recovery, recycling and re-use. Adopting a more sustainable approach will lead to the reduction in the use of natural resources as well as helping to level of greenhouse gas emissions.

It also seeks to ensure that that there are more opportunities for recovery, recycling and re-use of waste across the area in accessible locations. New facilities will need to contribute towards ensuring that there is sufficient capacity to deal with the area’s needs. In addition, it aims to minimise the negative effects of the generation and management of waste on human health and the environment.

Alternatives Considered – Waste Management Principles

No alternative options considered. No policy would not reflect the waste hierarchy set out in the Waste Management Plan for England. The no policy option is not considered a reasonable alternative.


Indicator Target
Amount and percentage of municipal waste arising and managed by management type Waste is being brought up the waste hierarchy
Question WAS1p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS1p: Waste Management Principles is the right approach?

Waste Facilities

National planning policy requires us to identify suitable sites and/or areas for sustainable waste management. The NPPW sets out the type of locations that we should consider for new waste facilities as well as guidance to assist us in determining the suitability of sites. Appendix B of the NPPW also provides a list of criteria that can be used to assess sites for inclusion in Local Plans. Our Plan will build on this approach and will consider our own local context. The location of any new waste facilities in North Lincolnshire will need to be broadly related to the overall spatial strategy as well as the area’s settlement pattern.

Policy WAS2p: Waste Facilities

New waste management facilities should be located in sustainable locations that are appropriate to the proposed waste management use and its operational characteristics, and where impacts on the community and the environment can be avoided or addressed appropriately. Proposals should have regard to the overall spatial strategy (policy SS2) and the following sequential priorities, unless the need for an alternative location or site can be demonstrated:

  • Sites allocated or with permanent planning permission for waste management purposes;
  • Employment sites where co-location with existing waste facilities is possible;
  • Employment sites suitable for B2 & B8; or
  • Sustainable locations within vacant previously developed land;
  • Existing/former mineral workings;
  • Existing farm buildings/complexes.

All proposals will be required to meet the following criteria:

  1. Demonstrate the need for the facility, if there is a clear conflict with other policies of the Plan;
  2. All waste processes and operations must be contained, processed and managed within buildings unless there are acceptable operational reasons why these processes cannot be contained within buildings;
  3. Proposals must accord with all other policies in relation to the protection of the environment and public amenity or demonstrate that other material considerations outweigh any policy conflict;
  4. Demonstrate that the following potential impacts of the waste management facility have been fully considered and addressed:
    1. Duration of the development and operational hours;
    2. Design and layout of the facility and associated buildings;
    3. Landscape and visual impacts;
    4. Harmful materials entering the public highway;
    5. Generation of noise, odours, litter, light, vibration, dusts, flies, rodents, birds and other infestation;
    6. Suitability of the highway network to accommodate the proposed traffic levels including potential vehicle routing;
    7. Suitability of the site access and egress arrangements;
    8. Risk of serious fires through combustion of accumulated wastes;
    9. Harm to water quality and resources and flood risk management/drainage;
    10. Land instability;
    11. Land use conflict;
    12. Restoration and aftercare;
    13. Fair and reasonably related community benefits; and
    14. Where necessary, mitigation measures should be identified to ameliorate any negative impacts to an acceptable level.

Whilst policy WAS1p sets out the key principles for sustainable waste management, this policy sets out those matters that should be taken into account when deciding were future waste management facilities are located as well as in determining planning applications.

In common with other forms of development, waste management facilities should be located in sustainable locations. However, these will also need to reflect the proposed waste management use and its operational characteristics, and to ensure that they are located where impacts on the community and the environment can be mitigated. Proposals should be located in line with the overall spatial strategy, outlined in policy SS2p, as well as the sequential approach outlined. Other locations may be acceptable for certain types of waste management facilities.

National policy suggests that industrial or employment areas may be appropriate, as they are often located distant from residential areas and close to where waste is generated. This would have the effect of reducing the need to transport waste over significant distances. Situating waste management facilities within or in close proximity to industrial areas will reduce their impact on the surrounding area. However, before any proposals are permitted, applicants should demonstrate that they have fully considered the likely impacts associated with the development and any measures which could satisfactorily mitigate those impacts. Cumulative impacts should also be considered.

Applicants will be expected to demonstrate the need for the facility in terms of the type of facility and taking account of the capacity findings. To ensure waste management sites operate without detriment to amenity, public safety and without having a significant adverse effect on the environment and appearance of the proposed development site, it is expected that proposals will be located within buildings, unless there are specific operational reasons why this is not possible.

Alternatives Considered – Waste Facilities

The NPPW supports sustainable waste management by securing adequate provision of new waste management facilities of the right type, in the right place and at the right time. This means that waste planning authorities should identify sites and/or areas that are suitable for new or enhanced waste management facilities to meet the needs of their area, and/or policy criteria against proposals can be assessed in their Local Plans. Not including a policy would, therefore, be contrary to national policy. In addition, the policy provides clarity to developers on the requirements to be addressed as part of their proposals. The other options are therefore not considered to be reasonable alternatives.


Indicator Target
Number of planning permissions granted for new waste management facilities Sufficient capacity if provided to meet North Lincolnshire’s waste arisings
Question WAS2p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS2p: Waste Facilities is the right approach?

Waste Management Provision

North Lincolnshire has a wide range of waste management facilities. It is likely that most will continue to be operational through the plan period (2017 to 2036), making a strong contribution to meeting future needs. However, as the need to move waste up the waste hierarchy and have less reliance on disposal, it may be that additional capacity may needed.

Policy WAS3p: Waste Management Provision

Net self-sufficiency in waste management will be achieved through the provision of the waste management capacity needs of North Lincolnshire. This capacity will be met through existing operation waste management facilities (and extensions, where appropriate) and new facilities.

Waste Stream Total Waste Management Capacity Needs (million tonnes)
2016 2021 2026 2031 2036
Local Authority Collected Waste 97,022 99,477 102,134 104,690 107,246
Commercial and Industrial Waste 192,379 399,794 420,188 441,622 464,149
Construction, demolition and excavation waste 135,756 135,756 135,756 135,756 135,756
Hazardous Waste 57,061 62,435 68,934 76,109 84,030
Agricultural Waste 13,065 18,154 19,080 20,053 21,076

Environment Agency data showed that waste arisings in North Lincolnshire were 895,920 tonnes. This consisted of a various waste streams including Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW), commercial and industrial (C&I), construction, demolition & excavation waste (CDE), hazardous waste and agricultural waste. Of this overall amount, 698,026 tonnes was management or disposed at facilities in the area, with 197,884 being exported to facilities in other local authority areas. Imports of waste to North Lincolnshire from elsewhere totalled 1,514,359 tonnes. Much of this came from neighbouring areas including Lincolnshire, Doncaster and North East Lincolnshire as well as the wider Yorkshire & Humber region.

The Council has prepared a Local Waste Needs Assessment (LNWA) to examine current and future capacity requirements in North Lincolnshire during the plan period. The LWNA shows that there is a permitted capacity of around 6.65 million tonnes.

Table 9.2: North Lincolnshire Waste Management Facilities – Annual Permitted Capacity (2016)

Waste Hierarchy Management Level Management Method Waste Streams - Managed Permitted Capacity (Mtpa)/Remaining Void Space (Mt)
Preparing for Re-use & Recycling Household Recycling Centres Household; Commercial; Industrial; Hazardous; C&D 90,000 tonnes
Transfer Household; Commercial; Industrial; Hazardous; C&D 2,085,608 tonnes
Metal Recycling & ELV Commercial; Industrial; Hazardous; C&D 1,079,996 tonnes
Composting Commercial; Industrial 74,999 tonnes
Other Recovery Anaerobic Digestion Commercial; Industrial 55,100 tonnes
Disposal Non-Hazardous Landfill Municipal; Commercial; Industrial; C&D 1,917,300 tonnes (Permitted Capacity)
25,624,111m3 (Remaining Void)
Restricted Landfill Commercial; Industrial 850,000 tonnes (Permitted Capacity)
5,238,016m3 (Remaining Void)
Hazardous Landfill Hazardous 500,000 tonnes (Permitted Capacity)
841,436m3 (Remaining Void)
Alternatives Considered – Waste Management Provision

It is essential that the waste needs of North Lincolnshire are identified to ensure sufficient capacity is provided for over the plan period. The other options are therefore not considered to be reasonable alternatives.


Indicator Target
Permitted/existing waste management capacity Waste management capacity is provided to meet North Lincolnshire’s needs throughout the plan period.
Question WAS3p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS3p: Waste Management Provision is the right approach?

Safeguarding Waste Facilities & Infrastructure

North Lincolnshire has 55 publically and privately operated waste management facilities that deal with the various forms of waste arising within the area and elsewhere [38]. These facilities form an important element of the area’s infrastructure. Therefore it is important to ensure that such facilities and any associated infrastructure is protected from other development that may encroach upon them.

Policy WAS4p: Safeguarding Existing Waste Sites & Infrastructure

Existing and planned waste management sites and infrastructure in North Lincolnshire will be safeguarded from inappropriate development. This will ensure that existing levels of waste management capacity is maintained. Safeguarded waste management facilities are identified in Table 9.3 (below) and on the Policies Map. Non-waste developments will only be considered where it can be demonstrated that:

  1. The planning benefits on non-waste development outweigh the needs for the waste management facility at the location.
  2. There is no longer a need for the facility and will not be required during the plan period;
  3. An alternative site providing an equal or greater level of waste management capacity of the same type has been found, granted permission and shall be developed and operational prior to the loss of the existing site.

Where proposals for non-waste development are put forward in the vicinity of an existing or planned waste management facility, it should be demonstrated that adequate mitigation measures are proposed as part of the encroaching development to ensure that it is adequately protected from any potential adverse impacts from the existing waste facility.

Retaining existing waste management capacity is essential in creating a sustainable waste management network in North Lincolnshire. Where these sites are located will vary depending on commercial influences. These influences may include changes in waste management technology, whilst moving waste up the waste hierarchy could affect the type of facilities needed. Nonetheless, it is important to ensure that waste sites can continue to operate without being constrained by other forms of (non-waste) development within their vicinity. Table 9.3 and the Policies Map set out those existing waste management facilities that should be safeguarded.

Table 9.3: Safeguarded Waste Facilities

Facility Type Facility Name
Non-Hazardous Landfill
  • Campwood Landfill, Melton Ross Quarries, Barnetby-le-Wold
  • New Crosby Landfill, Crosby Warren, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe
  • Roxby Landfill, Winterton Road, Roxby
  • Crosby North Landfill, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe
  • Winterton North Landfill, Coleby Road, West Halton
Hazardous Merchant Landfill
  • Winterton North Landfill, Coleby Road, West Halton
Restricted Landfill
  • Yarborough Quarry, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe
Metal Recycling Site
Car Breaker
  • Unit 1, Delta Business Park, Sandtoft
  • 3 to 6 Scotter Road South, Scunthorpe
  • New Holland Shipyard, Humber Bank East, New Holland
Metal Recycling
  • Scunthorpe Integrated Iron & Steel Works, Brigg Road, Scunthorpe
  • 5 to 7 Banbury Road, Scunthorpe
  • 10 High Street East, Scunthorpe
  • AC Autos Pit Bottom, Winterton Road, Scunthorpe
Vehicle Depollution Facility
  • Selby’s Yard, Sandtoft Industrial Estate, Sandtoft
  • Renparts, Sandtoft Industrial Estate, Sandtoft
Household Waste Recycling Centre (Civic Amenity Site)
  • Barnetby HWRC, Bigby Road, Barnetby-le-Wold
  • Barton HWRC, Gravel Pit Lane, Barton upon Humber
  • Belton HWRC, Epworth Road, Belton
  • Broughton HWRC, Brigg Road, Broughton
  • Cottage Beck HWRC, Cottage Beck Road, Scunthorpe
  • Goxhill HWRC, College Road, Goxhill
  • Kirton HWRC, Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey
  • Winterton HWRC, North Street, Winterton
Hazardous Waste Transfer
  • Cottage Beck Transfer Station, Cottage Beck Road, Scunthorpe
  • Pit Bottom, Winterton Road, Scunthorpe
Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer
  • Old Home Farm, Gainsthorpe Road, Kirton in Lindsey
  • Groveport, Gunness
  • New Crosby Waste Management Facility, Crosby Warren, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe
  • 21 Midland Road, Midland Road, Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe
  • Roxby Transfer Sidings, Roxby
  • Unit 7, Sandtoft Estate Road, Belton
Anaerobic Digestion
  • North Moor Farm, Crowle
  • Northwold Farm, Worlaby Top, Brigg
Biological Treatment
  • Old Cement Works, Gainsthorpe Road East, Kirton in Lindsey
  • Scunthorpe Sewage Treatment Works, Scotter Road South, Scunthorpe
  • Bonby Lane Grain stores, Bonby Lane, Bonby
Inert Waste Transfer/Treatment
  • Melton Ross Quarries, Barnetby-le-Wold
  • Normanby Road, Scunthorpe
  • Elsham Airfield, Middlegate Lane, Elsham Wold
Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer/Treatment
  • Unit 4, Stirling Business Park, Park Farm Road, Scunthorpe
Physical Treatment
  • 52b & 52c, Colin Road, Scunthorpe
  • Groveport, Grove Wharf, Gunness
  • Hibaldstow Quarry, Hibaldstow
  • Opposite 39a Hoylake Road, South Park Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe
  • Manton Quarry, Kirton in Lindsey
  • Scunthorpe Aggregate Processing, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe
  • Kirton Quarry, Gainsthorpe Road, Kirton in Lindsey
  • Pit Bottom, Winterton Road, Scunthorpe
Physical-Chemical Treatment
  • Dewatering Plant, Billet Mill Approach, Scunthorpe

The loss of any well-located waste management facilities will have an impact on the ability of North Lincolnshire to meet its own needs for dealing with waste and could require the development of greenfield sites to replace them. In turn, this could result in detrimental impacts on the environment and local communities. Accordingly existing facilities (permanent sites or those with a long term planning permission) will be safeguarded, unless it can clearly be demonstrated that the planning benefits of the non-waste development outweigh the need to retain the facility and/or it is no longer required or alternative provision can be made.

Under this policy these waste management facilities are safeguarded during their operational period, subject to their decommissioning and revocation of any associated waste licenses the facilities would no longer be subject to the protection under this policy unless an equivalent replacement facility was provided.

Where proposals for non-waste development are put forward in the vicinity of existing waste management development, they should include appropriate mitigation measures to ensure it is adequately protected from any adverse impacts arising from the waste facility.

Alternatives Considered – Safeguarding Existing Waste Sites & Infrastructure

No alternative options considered. Existing waste management facilities that are permanent or have long term planning permission, will contribute to dealing with the area’s waste arisings. It is therefore, important to ensure that they are not placed under pressure from non-waste development. The Waste Framework Directive, and national policy (as set out in the planning practice guidance) requires Local Plans to clearly identify existing or proposed waste management sites on a geographical map.


Indicator Target
Number of planning applications granted planning permission contrary to the provisions of the policy. No planning applications granted planning permission.
Number of planning applications granted planning permission contrary to the provisions of the policy No planning applications granted planning permission
Question WAS4p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS4p: Safeguarding Existing Waste Sites & Infrastructure is the right approach?

Waste Water Treatment

As with other waste streams, waste water is now treated as a resource rather something to be disposed of, and one that requires the provision of infrastructure of varying scales. In North Lincolnshire, there are 24 waste water treatment works (WWTWs), owned and operated by Anglian Water and Severn Trent Water. These facilities are key parts of the area’s physical infrastructure, and due consideration will need to be given in the Local Plan to the impact that growth and development will have. It may be the case that additional or extended facilities will be required over the plan’s lifetime. The Council will work closely with the water companies to identify future needs resulting from growth and development.

Policy WAS5p: Wastewater Treatment

Proposals for new or expanded waste water treatment capacity will be permitted provided that it can be demonstrated that:

  1. It contributes towards the provision of a North Lincolnshire-wide network of facilities which meets current and future requirements; and
  2. There is a suitable watercourse to accept discharged treated water and there would be no unacceptable increase in the risk of flooding to other areas; and
  3. There would be no deterioration in the ecological status of the affected watercourse (to comply with the Water Framework Directive); and
  4. There would be no significant adverse impact on the condition, functionality or safety of water supply and waste water infrastructure; and
  5. There would be no significant adverse impact on the quality of life for local communities via odours and other emissions.

Proposals for the collocation or co-treatment of waste water and organic wastes should accord with the provisions outlined above. All proposals should accord with all other relevant policies set out in the Plan.

In recent years, European Directives have resulted in regulations around the treatment of waste water becoming stricter. It can no longer be disposed of into rivers or seas without prior treatment. There are two processes involved in managing and treating waste water - the management of waste water and the management of sewage sludge. Waste water can be treated to produce a safe liquid which can be discharged into water courses, leaving a solid sludge which is suitable for reuse or disposal.

Sewage sludge should managed and treated in line with the Waste Hierarchy, which means reducing the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of and increasing its beneficial uses. It can be treated in a number of different ways to reduce liquid and/or organic content and minimise the presence of micro-organisms. Treatment can include anaerobic digestion, composting or thermal treatment. Beneficial uses could include fertiliser and energy generation. As the methods used to treat waste water are similar to those used for other organic water, it may be beneficial to collocate facilities or use a single facility to deal with a range of organic wastes.

All proposals for new or extended waste water treatment facilities should meet the same policy requirements as other waste development due to their possible impacts on the environment, economy and communities. However, there are some specific impacts that will need to be addressed relating to pollution of water courses, sea and surface water. This must be managed to acceptable limits. As water needs to be discharged into water courses, facilities may need to be situated in high floor risk areas.

Based on their potential impacts, new or extended waste water treatment facilities should be located where they:

  • provide an area-wide network serving North Lincolnshire’s communities;
  • maximise the recycling, composting and then recovery of waste material;
  • reduce the distance that sewage products are transported for re-use, particularly for agricultural use;
  • meet discharge requirements into local watercourses; and
  • minimise potential impacts on the local community, particularly in terms of odour.

Mitigation measures may be required to minimise development impacts of these facilities. Consideration should be given to facility siting, layout and design, the implementation of sustainable drainage systems or the provision of, or contribution to, the delivery of flood prevention and management infrastructure.

Alternatives Considered – Wastewater Treatment

No alternative options considered. Waste water is considered a key waste stream to be addressed via planning policy, whilst treatment facilities form an important part of the area’s infrastructure. Growth and development may have an impact on the need for new or expanded facilities, as such it is essential to provide a framework for assessing proposals that come forward.


Indicator Target
Percentage of relevant planning applications determined in accordance with provisions of the policy 100% to be determined in accordance with the policy
Question WAS5p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS5p: Wastewater Treatment is the right approach?

Waste Management in Development

In establishing the overall levels and locations for future growth in North Lincolnshire, it is important to consider the implications it will have for the levels of waste produced and its management, in particular minimising the amount produced and driving it up the Waste Hierarchy. Preventing waste generation from all sources is the key in moving towards making more sustainable and efficient use of resources, as reflected in national policy. This means increasing the amount of waste that is recycled, re-used, or composted. The Local Plan has a key role in supporting waste prevention and encouraging sustainable use as part of new developments.

Waste will arise during construction and demolition stages of new development. Once completed, developments will also generate waste that will need to be collected and managed.

Policy WAS6p: Waste Management in Development

Proposals for new development should support the efficient use and recovery of resources throughout its lifetime including during construction, operation and/or occupation. This should include giving due consideration to sustainable waste management.

New developments should include:

  1. Design principles and construction methods that minimise the use of primary minerals and encourage the use of building materials made from recycled and alternative materials; and
  2. Measures that support the implementation of the waste hierarchy including construction and demolition methods that minimise waste production, maximise the re-use and recovery of materials (as far as practicable) on-site and minimise off-site disposal. In major developments the production of a waste audit and the use of Site Waste Management Plans are encouraged; and
  3. Design and layout that complements sustainable waste management by providing appropriate storage and segregation facilities. Proposals for major development that seek to deliver the housing requirement or employment land will be encouraged to incorporate neighbourhood waste management facilities (where appropriate). Any waste management facilities or bin/waste storage should be well designed and integrated into the development in order to reduce impacts on the community and environment. Provision for waste collection should also be reflected in the design and layout of development.

Where development results in pressure on existing waste management facilities or infrastructure, or results in the need for new infrastructure, the Council may seek financial contributions towards enhanced or new provision.

The starting point for all new development is that it should make the most efficient use and recovery of resources during its lifetime. Developments should seek to ensure that reliance on primary minerals are kept to a minimum and that greater use should be made of recycled or alternative building materials.

The construction sector produces a significant amount of waste. Government policy seeks to ensure that the handling of waste from the construction and operation of new development, maximises the opportunities for re-use and recovery of waste arising from construction and operation of new development, with off-site disposal being minimised. This includes greater on-site management as a means of reducing the amount of waste generated. Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) will be encouraged.

For major development, developers should demonstrate how they intend to reduce the amount of waste that will be produced, and how it will managed in accordance with the Waste Hierarchy through the provision of a waste audit. Details should be provided about the amount and type of waste being produced and measures taken to prevent and minimise waste arisings and how it will be managed.

National policy and guidance identifies the need for new (non-waste) development to make sufficient provision for waste management that meets the needs of the development and the type and quantity waste that will be produced. With this in mind, it is important that sustainable waste management is considered and integrated at the earliest stages when designing new development and their layouts. This will ensure that there are no adverse impact on the wider development and surrounding environment.

Accordingly, developments should include opportunities for on-site provision that allows the occupiers to separate and store of waste for recycling and recovery, however the exact nature will vary between different types of development and its location. For residential development, provision should be made for storing bins, as part of ensuring that a high quality, comprehensive and frequent waste collection service. Bin storage areas should be well design and integrated into the wider built environment.

Smaller development sites could include the provision collection points for segregated waste. On larger sites, particularly where significant areas of new housing or employment land are proposed, waste storage facilities will almost always be needed and provision might also include on-site treatment/management facilities or, in the case of industrial operations, the management of specific wastes produced on site. The scale and type of any facilities will vary depending on the development. How waste is collected should also be considered as part of the design and layout of new development. Provision should be made for refuse vehicles to access development to allow collections to take place. The ADEPT report "Making Space for Waste" sets out specifications for the minimum standards for the type, and scale of facilities and vehicular manoeuvrability needed for new residential, commercial and mixed-use developments. Discussions should also take place with the Council’s waste management team.

Larger scale developments have the potential to result in increased levels of waste that will need to be managed. In particular, residential developments will result in increased numbers of households putting additional pressure on waste management facilities and infrastructure. Financial contributions towards the provision of adequate waste management infrastructure to serve the development may be necessary.

Alternatives Considered – Waste Management in Development

No alternative options considered.

The policy promotes the efficient use of materials and re-use and recycling of construction wastes in accordance with the waste hierarchy as defined by the NPPW. It also provides a framework for the assessment of planning applications to guide the developer and decision taker. The no policy option is not consider to be a reasonable alternative.


Indicator Target
Number of major non-waste applications including a waste audit statement All major non-waste applications to include a waste audit statement
Contributions from waste infrastructure received Developer contributions towards waste infrastructure set out in the Local Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Question WAS6p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS6p: Waste Management in Development is the right approach?

Restoration & Aftercare

The Local Plan is committed to reducing the amount of waste being disposed of in landfill sites. It is likely that there will be a continued need for landfill capacity over the plan period whilst there are also several operational landfill sites in North Lincolnshire that are likely to close. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that these sites, as well as any other temporary waste management facilities, are subject to the appropriate restoration and aftercare regimes as well as finding a beneficial after use them.

Policy WAS7p: Restoration & Aftercare

Proposals for temporary waste management development, including landfilling or landraising, will be permitted where they provide for the restoration and aftercare of the site in a phased manner during its operation and/or promptly on completion of the operation.

The restoration and aftercare scheme accompanying such proposals shall include:

  1. Details of the proposed landform, landscaping and planting and how they respond to the context of the surrounding topography and vegetation;
  2. Details of how the proposals would improve and connect with the green infrastructure network including enhancement of biodiversity and access for informal recreation;
  3. Measures for the management of emissions (including gases and liquids);
  4. Phasing arrangements; and
  5. A programme of aftercare and monitoring of the site.

The NPPW and planning practice guidance states that in determining planning applications, the Council should ensure that land raising landfill sites are restored for beneficial after uses at the earliest opportunity and to high environmental standards through the application of appropriate conditions were necessary. This is a similar approach to that taken towards former mineral workings.

The type of after use will be dependent on the nature of the site, its operation, the final land form and neighbouring uses. In some cases, sites may be restored to agricultural use, provision made for public access, informal recreation or habitat creation and biodiversity enhancement. Strong consideration should be given to how restored sites could be linked to North Lincolnshire’s green infrastructure network for maximising community and environmental benefits.

Discussion between the developer and Council on restoration and aftercare requirements should take place as early as possible when proposals for temporary waste management facilities are being developed. This will allow suitable schemes to be considered in the context of how the site will be worked and to ensure proposals preclude the provision of appropriate restoration. It is recommended that discussions should also take place with the Environment Agency to make sure that the scheme meets the requirements of the waste management licence (Environmental Permit).

Amongst the matters that restoration schemes will need to consider are:

  • The provision of an appropriate phasing plan to consider how different parts of the site should be restored during and after operations to ensure that parts of the site which are no longer in use are restored as soon as possible;
  • The removal of plant from the non-operational area;
  • Potential re-engineering of the site including the importation of inert waste to cap the tipped area;
  • The introduction of various measures to prevent infiltration;
  • A suitable scheme of planting, usually reflecting local species; and
  • An appropriate scheme covering aftercare and monitoring.

The restoration and aftercare scheme should form an important part of the supporting information submitted alongside a planning application. Its implementation will be required through conditions attached to the planning permission. Once restoration is complete, aftercare arrangements will usually be in place for a period of time and will be subject to monitoring visits from the Council.

Alternatives Considered – Restoration & Aftercare

No alternative options considered. No restoration and aftercare policy would require reliance on the relevant sections of the National Planning Policy for Waste (NPPW) and Planning Practice Guidance. However, the policy as worded expands upon NPPW/PPG and provides greater clarity to both the applicant and the planning authority. This will help to ensure that local character and relevant strategies are taken account of when securing appropriate restoration schemes.


Indicator Target
The number of approvals that secure a restoration and aftercare plan 100% of approvals that secure a restoration and aftercare plan
Question WAS7p

Do you think the Preferred Policy WAS7p: Restoration & Aftercare is the right approach?