Chapter Contents


15 Development Management

The Development Management (DM) chapter of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan sets out the Council's planning policies for managing development and growth in the area from now until 2036. It assists in achieving our ambition that North Lincolnshire is the best place for our residents and the best Council we can be. The DM policies aim to ensure all new developments will result in safer communities, safer places, safer people, safer environments and spaces. Resulting in an improved overall quality of life for existing and future residents of North Lincolnshire.

The policies in this section should be read alongside the strategic policies set out in the earlier section of this Local Plan. The Council will produce Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) where it considers them necessary to provide more details on the policies set out within other parts of the Local Plan. SPDs are not part of the statutory development plan and do not have the same weight; however, they will be significant considerations in determining planning applications.

The primary objective of development management is to enable the delivery of sustainable development. Development management is not intended to hinder or prevent sustainable development. The Council sees development management as a positive and proactive approach to shaping, considering, determining and delivering development proposals.

Government guidance makes it clear that a Local Plan should not repeat policies that are in either National Policy or other ‘development plan’ documents. The absence of a policy for a particular topic in the Local Plan therefore does not necessarily mean that the topic is unimportant; it may be that there is already a relevant adopted policy and must therefore be read in conjunction with the other relevant plans and guidance.

General Requirements

To design communities that are safe and flourishing, all new development should meet the aspirations for excellence and sustainability in their design and layout. In short, good design is inseparable from good planning.

High quality sustainable design is that of a notable standard, which, by its nature, features and usability, will sustain over the longer term as it is fit for purpose, has potential to respond to changing needs, and enables occupants / users to live more sustainable.

A fundamental part of achieving high quality sustainable design, and ultimately high quality sustainable places, is the need to develop a thorough understanding of the local character and the qualities which contribute to local distinctiveness. North Lincolnshire is made up of many locally distinctive places including high streets, market squares, industrial estates, urban neighbourhoods, rural villages and landscapes, which, in combination with a variety of natural forms and features, contribute to the rich and varied character of North Lincolnshire. All new development must make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the environment within which it is located, having regard to its local context, and should not impact negatively upon the amenity experienced by neighbours.

Developers will be expected to explain how the policy matters below have been addressed within their development proposals, where appropriate, in the Design and Access Statement submitted with their planning application.

Policy DM1p: General Requirements

All new development, including extensions and alterations to existing buildings must achieve high quality sustainable design that contributes positively to local character, landscape and townscape, and supports diversity, equality and access for all.

Development proposals will be assessed against the following relevant design and amenity criteria:

Design Principles

All development must respect and enhance the character and local distinctiveness of the area and create a sense of place. As such, proposals will be required to:

  1. Make efficient use of land;
  2. Maximise pedestrian permeability and avoid barriers to movement through careful consideration of street layouts and access routes;
  3. Respect the existing topography, landscape character and identity, and relate well to the site and surroundings, particularly in relation to siting, height, scale, massing, form and lot widths;
  4. Where applicable, not result in the visual or physical coalescence with any neighbouring settlement;
  5. Where applicable, not result in ribbon development, nor extend existing linear features of the settlement, and instead retain, where appropriate, a tight settlement nucleus;
  6. Incorporate and retain as far as possible existing natural and historic features such as hedgerows, trees, ponds, boundary walls, field patterns, buildings or structures;
  7. Incorporate appropriate landscape treatment to ensure that the development can be satisfactorily assimilated into the surrounding area;
  8. Provide well designed boundary treatments, and hard and soft landscaping that reflect the function and character of the development and its surroundings;
  9. Protect any important long local views into, out of or through the site;
  10. Duly reflect the original architectural style of the local surroundings, or embrace opportunities for innovative design and new technologies which sympathetically complement or contrast with the local architectural style;
  11. Use appropriate, high quality materials which reinforce local distinctiveness, with consideration given to texture, colour, pattern and durability;
  12. Ensure places and buildings are accessible to all.

Amenity Considerations

The amenities which occupiers of neighbouring properties may reasonably expect to enjoy must not be harmed by or as a result of the development (including extensions to existing premises and change of use). Proposals should demonstrate, where appropriate, how the following matters have been considered, in relation to both the construction and life of the development:

  1. Compatibility with neighbouring land uses;
  2. Overlooking;
  3. Overshadowing;
  4. Loss of light;
  5. Adequate storage, sorting and collection of household and commercial waste, including provision for increasing recyclable waste;
  6. Creation of safe environments.

Planning permission for development will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that the levels of potentially polluting emissions, including effluent, leachates, smoke, fumes, gases, dust, steam, smell or noise do not pose a danger by way of toxic release; result in land contamination; pose a threat to current and future surface or underground water resources; or create adverse environmental conditions likely to affect nearby developments and adjacent areas.

Changes of Use in Residential Areas

Within residential areas, favourable consideration will be given to proposals for a change of use from residential to other uses, provided that the development will not adversely affect the appearance and character of a residential area or residential amenity by virtue of noise, vibration, traffic generation, reduction in road safety, odorous emissions (by way of dust, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash or grit) or other adverse environmental conditions.

The purpose of Policy DM1p is to help encourage the growth and development of small businesses but to maintain control over the impact that business activity, carried out at home, can have on the surrounding area.

Current economic trends are towards domestic properties being used as a base for starting a new business. In some cases the change of use will be so small in scale that it will not require planning permission. In other cases activities can be carried out with no resulting adverse effects on local amenity, as most uses will fall within Use Class B1 (Business and Light Industrial Use) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Where uses give rise to nuisance or inconvenience they are often considered unacceptable, for example as a result of higher levels of vehicle movement than would reasonably be expected from a residential address, or because of noisy or odorous operations. In some cases, planning conditions can be used to control the impact of such proposals, but if adverse impacts cannot be reduced to acceptable levels, planning permission will be refused.

Alternatives Considered

No alternative options considered. There was overall support for the inclusion of Development Management policies in the Local Plan to cover the areas outlined in Issues & Options consultation document.

Question DM1p

Do you think the Preferred Policy DM1p: General Requirements is the right approach?

Temporary Buildings

Temporary buildings include portable offices and classrooms. These usually do not give the appearance of being substantial structures intended to remain in situ on a permanent basis, and can potentially have a negative impact on local amenity. However, it is recognised that such facilities can be vital to the expansion of industrial and commercial premises, and that short-term arrangements are often required to accommodate the expansion of community facilities such as schools and health centres. In other cases, permanent development might prejudice other planned development, when the site is in temporary occupation pending such development commencing. Only in these circumstances will the erection of temporary buildings be given favourable consideration.

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 provides permitted development rights for temporary buildings associated with construction works. In all other circumstances where planning permission is sought for the siting of temporary buildings, the need for such structures will be balanced against the need to avoid any adverse effects on visual amenity.

Policy DM2p: Temporary Buildings

Planning permission will be granted for temporary buildings provided the following criteria are met:

  • the building is not highly visible to the general public or detrimental to the amenity of the area/landscape; and
  • the development will not prejudice proposals for permanent development on the site.

In granting planning permission for temporary buildings, conditions may be imposed requiring the landscaping of the development or other measures to help mitigate its impact on the visual amenity of the area.

A time limited (temporary) planning permission will be granted for non-permanent structures in cases where a permanent permission would prejudice future development of the site.

Temporary buildings, whilst being essential to the expansion and development of business and community facilities, are by their nature likely to incur high maintenance and running costs. There is no wish to overly restrict the erection or use of such buildings but there is nevertheless a need to ensure that they are adequately maintained and removed from the site when their useable life has expired. Neither should the erection of a temporary building prevent the satisfactory development of permanent buildings on the site at a later date.

Alternatives Considered

No alternative options considered. The inclusion of similar DS policies to the previous Local Plan received overall support.

Question DM2p

Do you think the Preferred Policy DM2p: Temporary Buildings is the right approach?

Environmental Protection

The Local Plan plays an important strategic role in delivering development that is sustainable, clean and green. North Lincolnshire’s prosperity and well-being is underpinned by a high quality and well managed environment. We rely upon our water and green spaces for food, water and the air we breathe. Pollution of air, land and water has the potential to have adverse impacts upon the environment and therefore if not properly controlled and managed development can adversely impact the health, well-being and prosperity of residents and local businesses. It is therefore essential to ensure that wherever possible, all forms of pollution (including noise, vibration, light, impacts upon air quality land and water) are considered, controlled and mitigated against in order to keep people safe and well and improve prosperity within North Lincolnshire.

NPPF requires that planning policies ensure that new development is appropriate for its location taking into account the likely effects (including cumulative effects) of pollution on health, living conditions and the natural environment, as well as the potential sensitivity of the site or the wider area to impacts that could arise from the development. The Council’s policies seek to ensure that approved developments are an acceptable use of the land and in doing so the policies will seek to:

  1. prevent new and existing development from contributing to, being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by, unacceptable levels of soil, air, water or noise pollution or land instability and contamination, natural hazards such as radon and mining activities, impacts of remediation;
  2. Remediate and mitigate, degraded, derelict, contaminated and unstable land;
  3. Mitigate and reduce to a minimum potential adverse impacts resulting from noise from new development – and avoid noise giving rise to significant adverse impacts on health and the quality of life;
  4. Limit the impact of light pollution from artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically dark landscapes and nature conservation;
  5. Contribute towards compliance with relevant limit values or national objectives for pollutants, taking into account the presence of Air Quality Management Areas and Clean Air Zones, and the cumulative impacts from individual sites in local areas;
  6. New development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities.
  7. Development that is sensitive to pollution that is within legal limits will not be appropriate where existing sources of pollution cannot be satisfactorily mitigated or where it would prejudice the viability of other important land uses by reasons of its sensitivity to pollution.

Air Quality

Defra’s Clean Air Strategy 2019 has identified air quality as the top environmental risk to human health in the UK and the fourth greatest threat to public health after cancer, heart disease and obesity. The strategy sets out the long term national strategic goals to improve air quality. In addition to traffic and industrial sources, air pollution can also be caused by intensive agricultural food production and the heating of our homes. The strategy sets ambitious targets to reduce 5 key pollutants by 2020 and 2030 based on 2005 baseline emissions as set out in Table 1 below:

Table 1 – Emission Reductions Required by 2020 and 2030

2005 baseline (kt) Reduction required by 2020 Reduction required by 2030 2020 ceiling (kt) 2030 ceiling (kt)
NOx 1,714 55% 73% 771 463
SO2 773 59% 88% 317 93
NMVOCs 1,042 32% 39% 709 636
PM25 127 30% 46% 89 69
NH3 288 8% 16% 265 242

Further details in relation to the Governments Clean Air Strategy 2019 can be found here.

Local Plan policies will seek to ensure that the targets and milestones set out in the Clean Air Strategy 2019 and any future iterations/supporting policies/documents are achieved.

The Council monitors and manages air pollution associated with National Air Quality Objectives via the mechanism of Local Air Quality Management in accordance with the Environment Act 1995. Further information can be obtained from the Council’s website

North Lincolnshire is currently compliant with National Air Quality Objectives for pollutants associated with traffic and the Council’s policies will ensure that development does not adversely impact this positive position. There is currently one Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) within North Lincolnshire which covers land surrounding the Integrated Steelworks and the East of Scunthorpe, this is known as the Scunthorpe Town AQMA. This AQMA was first declared in 2005 for exceedances of the Particulate Matter (PM10) Daily Mean Air Quality Objective. The AQMA was later updated in 2018 due to ongoing improvements and collaborative working between local industry, the Environment Agency and North Lincolnshire Council.

The Council have also produced an Air Quality Action Plan for the Scunthorpe Town AQMA. The Action Plan is a list of measures designed to improve local air quality. The consideration of air quality within planning responses is included as a key action to mitigate against any adverse impacts. This is achieved by following National Guidance such as the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) and Environmental Protection UK (EPUK) Guidance Documents.

The Government is leading the national commitment to preserve and enhance the environment via its publication of A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment HM Government 2018. The 25 year strategic plan to improve the environment also links in to two other important government strategies: The Industrial Strategy which aims to boost productivity in the UK and Clean Growth Strategy which sets out economic and environmental policies designed to mitigate climate change and bring about clean green growth.

The Government has identified that delivery of this plan requires sustained and committed effort to make these aspirations a reality and this requires collaborative working with local councils via an adoption of Do More Harm Less Policy. Incentives and Regulation will aim to ensure these ambitions are met. The Government will embed changes that ensure housing and infrastructure development will be able to deliver “Environmental Net Gain”.

When assessing applications the Council will consider any metric measures and governance that are relevant to the 25 year environmental plan. This will allow flexibility to the assessment of applications that will ensure adaption to new evidence and changes in circumstances over the coming years. The provision of good evidence by applicants to support these metric measures will allow good decision making. New industry will be expected to align to the governments clean growth strategy.

Where a specific development proposal has the potential to result in adverse environmental impacts, the Council will adopt the ‘polluter pays’ principal whereby the developer should meet the costs of mitigation or contribute towards environmental improvements elsewhere through planning contributions. The cumulative effects of various sources of pollution will be taken into account and detailed assessments to evaluate the level of risk and to identify appropriate measures to satisfactorily mitigate the risk of pollution may be required.


The introduction of new external light sources such as floodlights or the change to an existing light source can have a detrimental impact on residential amenity. NPPF highlights the need to consider the impact of a proposed development in relation to human health, living conditions and the natural environment.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines has identified noise as an important public health issue featuring among the top environmental risks to health. Noise has negative impacts on human health and well-being and is a growing concern. The guidelines provide robust public health advice underpinned by evidence, which is essential to drive policy action that will protect communities from the adverse effects of noise.

The guiding principles are to reduce exposure to noise, while conserving quiet areas; promote interventions to reduce exposure to noise and improve health; coordinate approaches to control noise sources and other environmental health risks; and to inform and involve communities potentially affected by a change in noise exposure.

The Local Plan will seek to ensure that the guidelines set out by the WHO and any future recommendations are achieved.

Contaminated Land

North Lincolnshire has a long industrial heritage and it has large areas of land which are important for food production. Activities associated with industrial/commercial and agricultural processes, can result in adverse ground conditions which can pose a risk to the development, future site users and the environment. Former landfills, infilled ground and some naturally occurring sources such as peat and limestone/chalk can also be sources of hazardous ground gases which can pose an asphyxiation or explosion risk. Contamination can also occur naturally due to certain types of minerals being present in rocks and soils.

Contamination can be present in various forms including chemical, biological and radioactive. Risks from contamination exists where there is a source (contaminant) a receptor and a pathway linking the two. The development of land can introduce new receptors and pathways to a site which previously were not present.

The Council in collaboration with other local authority Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Group (YALPAG) members have produced a contaminated land planning good practice guidance document. The purpose of this guidance is to promote regional consistency and good practice for development on land affected by contamination. The guidance also specifies what information should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority when applying for planning permission.

YALPAG Technical Guidance for Developers Landowners and Consultants

The above document has been produced in accordance with the NPPF and details that the developer is required to ensure that:

  • Where there is potential for contamination on a site or where a proposed development is vulnerable (for example housing with gardens, schools or nurseries) the risks from contamination are adequately considered.
  • Sufficient information demonstrating that the risks have been adequately considered and produced by a suitably qualified persons should be submitted with the application.
  • The information provided should follow the guidelines within CLR11 Model Procedures for the Management of Contaminated Land and be in accordance with establish procedures such as BS 10175 Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites – Code of Practice.
  • Following remediation the site should not be capable of being determined as contamination land under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


Odorous emissions arise from activities such as sewage works, intensive animal rearing, processing of animal remains, solid waste management (for example composting) and some industrial processes.

The introduction of new sources of odours in proximity to sensitive receptors, or locating sensitive receptors near existing sources of odours should be avoided. Where potential adverse odour impacts are relevant to the development an odour impact assessment and proposed mitigation measures that demonstrates amenity will not be adversely impacted will be required. Such assessment should be compiled by a suitably qualified person in accordance with good practice guidance, Institute of Air Quality Management: Guidance on the assessment for odour for planning.

Policy DM3p: Environmental Protection
  1. Development proposals as appropriate to their nature and scale, should demonstrate that environmental risks have been evaluated and appropriate measures have been taken to minimise the risks of adverse impacts to air, land and water quality, whilst assessing vibration, heat, energy, light and noise pollution.
  2. Air Quality

  3. The Council will seek to ensure that proposals for new development will not have an unacceptable negative impact on air quality and will not further exacerbate air quality in the Scunthorpe Town AQMA or contribute to air pollution in areas which may result in a new AQMA. Residential development within Scunthorpe AQMA will not be permitted where there is evidence of adverse effects on human health and local amenity.
  4. An air quality assessment will be required where a development may result in a significant increase in air pollution, or lead to a significant deterioration in local air quality resulting in unacceptable effects on human health, local amenity and/or the environment. Assessments shall address the following:
    1. The existing background levels of air pollution;
    2. Existing developments and sources of air pollution throughout the area and the cumulative effect of planned developments; and
    3. The feasibility of any mitigation measures that would reduce the impact of the development on local air quality.
  5. The Council will support and promote the provision of charging points for ultra-low emission vehicles.
  6. Light pollution

  7. Planning applications which involve light generating development including floodlighting will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that there would be no adverse impact on local amenities.
  8. Noise pollution

  9. Development generating noise which is likely to create significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life and cannot be mitigated and controlled through the use of conditions will not be permitted. All proposals will be assessed as follows:
    1. Amenity - No unacceptable loss of amenity to neighbouring land uses should result in terms of noise, smell, fumes, dust or other nuisance.
  10. Contaminated Land

  11. In the case of proposals for development on land known or strongly suspected as being impacted by contamination, hazardous gases, land instability, of a sensitive end use applicant’s will be required to provide sufficient information that demonstrates that the level of contamination can be overcome by remedial measures or improvements. In these cases permission will only be granted where a phase 1 desk based assessment and detailed site survey has been submitted. Where significant risks to human health and/or the environment are present; planning permission will only be granted in circumstances where a suitable scheme of remedial measures has been agreed that will be obtained via a planning condition and/or legal agreement to overcome any existing contamination.
  12. Odour

  13. Where proposals have the potential to release significant odours or where a sensitive use is being proposed near to an existing odorous process, applicant’s will be required to provide an odour impact assessment which demonstrates that impacts upon amenity can be properly mitigated and managed by remedial measures or improvements. In these cases, permission will only be granted where a suitable scheme of remedial measures has been agreed that will be obtained via a planning condition and/or legal agreement to overcome any adverse impact upon amenity.
  14. Water Quality

  15. Development will not be permitted where it would have an adverse effect on the quality or quantity of groundwater resources or watercourses and water bodies.
  16. Hazardous Installations and Pipelines

  17. Proposals for the development of hazardous installations/pipelines, modifications to existing sites, or development in the vicinity of hazardous installations or pipelines, will be permitted where it has been demonstrated that the amount, type and location of hazardous substances would not pose unacceptable health and/or safety risks.
Alternatives Considered

No alternative options were considered through the consultation. There was overall support of including a Local Plan policy for pollution (air, water, noise, odour and light). There was a general view that protecting the environment from pollution was important. This policy includes the NPPF, PPG, and national objectives for pollutants.

An AQMA policy was also supported. This is included within overall Environmental Protection policy.

Question DM3p

Do you think the Preferred Policy DM3p: Environmental Protection is the right approach?

Telecommunications and Broadband

Effective telecommunications play an essential role in modern life. Mobile telecommunications and access to high speed, reliable broadband are essential to the efficient operations of modern business and to individual lifestyles. As technology advances the demand for new telecommunications infrastructure will continue to grow.

The Northern Lincolnshire Broadband project; a partnership between North and North East Lincolnshire Councils, was established to upgrade broadband across Northern Lincolnshire. In June 2018 1.5% of Northern Lincolnshire will not have access to Next Generation access (NGA, superfast) broadband infrastructure. The Council is continuing to take advantage of funding to deliver high-speed broadband to as many parts of North Lincolnshire as possible.

The Council is keen to support this growth whilst seeking to ensure that visual and environmental issues are given appropriate consideration.

Access to mobile telecommunications and high speed, reliable broadband is now considered essential to the efficient operation of modern business and to individual lifestyles. Much of the urban area has good access and recent investments in infrastructure have brought significant improvements to these rural settlements; connecting the village residents to the superfast broadband fibre-optic network. There is however, still a requirement to improve broadband coverage in much of the rural area. Policy DM4p Telecommunications supports further improvements across the wider area. The Council is committed to securing a high-quality communication infrastructure. The lack of such infrastructure would potentially hold back the areas competitiveness and economic well-being. The installation of digital infrastructure can also help to mitigate air quality impacts by reducing the need to travel through initiatives such as home working. Developers for all new sites (residential and non-residential) should engage with broadband providers to ensure that communications network infrastructure, capable of delivering at least superfast broadband, is installed as part of the build process. New properties should be provided with the internal infrastructure to ensure that they can be connected to the broadband communication network. The broadband should be installed on an open access basis allowing for use by a number of internet service providers, and cables should be threaded through resistant ducting to enable easy access to the fibre optic cable for future repair, replacement or upgrading.

Whilst most telecommunications infrastructure is unobtrusive, and often permitted development, some telecommunications infrastructure has the potential to be obtrusive, and can lead to adverse impacts on the surrounding area. Policy DM4p Telecommunications and Broadband seeks to ensure that development requiring consent does not intrude into or detract from the landscape or urban character of the area, and seeks to minimise visual impacts.

Policy DM4p: Telecommunications and Broadband


Proposals for telecommunications development, including consideration of appropriate prior approval applications will be permitted, or determined, provided that:

  1. the development is appropriate in terms of siting and appearance, having regard to technical and operational constraints, and does not intrude into or detract from the landscape or urban character of the area;
  2. applicants demonstrate a sequential approach to show that development cannot be accommodated with less visual intrusion;
    1. on an existing building, mast or other structure; or,
    2. on a site that already contains telecommunications equipment; before new sites can be considered;
    3. adequate screening and/or landscape, measures are included; and,
    4. provision is made for the removal of the facilities and reinstatement of the site as soon as reasonably practicable after it is no longer required for telecommunication purposes.

The Council will support the expansion of communications networks, including telecommunications and high speed broadband, especially where this addresses gaps in coverage within North Lincolnshire. Proposals for new residential and commercial development must demonstrate how they will provide future occupiers with sufficient digital connectivity.

Development proposals must:

  1. Demonstrate early engagement with infrastructure providers;
  2. Be accompanied by a ‘Connectivity Statement’ which explains the current internet connectivity in the site’s locality and the potential for the site to be provided with high speed broadband including the future provision of “ultrafast broadband” and “Full fibre” solutions as and when they are made available; and
  3. Make provision for premises to be provided with high speed (superfast) broadband or, if this is not feasible, ensure new development is broadband ready through the installation of appropriate ducting and equipment.

On-site infrastructure should be provided from homes and premises to the public highway or other appropriate location. Where possible, viable and desirable, the provision of additional ducting will be supported, where it allows the expansion of the network.

Alternatives Considered

No alternative options considered. The inclusion of similar DS policies of the previous Local Plan was supported and there are no reasonable alternatives.

Question DM4p

Do you think the Preferred Policy DM4p: Telecommunications and Broadband is the right approach?

Advertisements/shop fronts

Advertisements can play a helpful role in promoting the areas businesses and provide direction to locations. However, they can sometimes have a negative impact upon the amenity of an area as well as public safety. As such consideration must be given to local characteristics and features of the street scene. The Council aims to ensure that advertisements are designed to a high standard and contribute to a safe and attractive environment. It considers that poorly designed, very bright or inappropriately sited advertisements can detract from the visual quality of the street or local area.

In relation to public safety it is necessary to consider the effect of an advertisement upon the safe use of vehicles and operation of traffic flow, including pedestrian traffic. Control over outdoor advertisements should be efficient, effective and simple in concept and operation.

Policy DM5p: Advertisements and Shop Fronts

Advertisements and new/alterations to shop fronts will be required to contribute to the visual appearance of the area’s street scenes.

  1. The Council will support proposals for advertisements where:
    1. they are well designed and sympathetic to the character and appearance of their location and the building to which they relate, having regard to matters such as size, materials, construction, location, level of illumination and cumulative impact with other signage on the building and within the vicinity; and
    2. illuminated advertisements and signs will not adversely affect the amenity and/or safety of the surrounding area.
  2. Permission will be granted for shop fronts and signs where the following criteria is satisfied:
    1. the design is related to the scale and appearance of the building to which the proposal relates; and
    2. the design respects the character and appearance of the location.
  3. Solid shutters which present a blank frontage to shopping streets will not be permitted.
  4. Proposals relating to listed buildings, within conservation areas and in areas of special advertisement control will be subject to the requirements of the relevant designation and appropriate planning policy guidance.

A shop frontage contributes to the overall appearance of the street scene and as such proposals for this type of development need to ensure the changes positively enhance the appearance of the building as well as the immediate area and do not detract from it.

It is now standard practice that most commercial/retail premises install security shutters. However, care needs to be taken in the choice as solid shutters, particularly bare galvanised or mill finished aluminium, can have a detrimental environmental effect, making areas feel desolate and forbidding once trading hours have ceased. Recessed shutter boxes can also assist in avoiding clutter to fascias.

Alternatives Considered

No alternative options considered. The inclusion of similar DS policies of the previous Local Plan was supported and there are no reasonable alternatives.

Question DM5p

Do you think the Preferred Policy DM5p: Advertisements and Shop Fronts is the right approach?


Indicator Target
Appeals upheld contrary to policies in this chapter. None upheld at appeal.