Chapter Contents


Appendix 8.3: Mineral Resource Assessment Requirements

In order for the council to assess and determine planning applications for non-mineral development in Mineral Safeguarding Areas, applicants are expected to provide sufficient information about mineral resources. This should be in the form of a Mineral Resource Assessment.

It should be undertaken by a suitably qualified professional and should be proportionate to the scale and nature of the proposed development. The mineral resource assessment should specify where there are any minerals present and, if so, whether it is feasible to extract them.


  1. Presentation of geological data. This could take the form of:
    1. Desk top study of existing surface and solid geological and mineral resource information; or
    2. Borehole investigations
  2. Assessment of the mineral resource potential of any mineral present considering its ability to meet the required specification for its intended use, before or after processing (the relevant BSI or equivalent), and the quantity present.
  3. Assessment of the mineral recovery potential:
    1. Acceptability:
      1. Site surroundings and neighbours, and their sensitivity to impacts associated with working minerals)
      2. Depth of overburden
      3. Size of site, and the ability of the site to accommodate batters and storage of overburden, mineral processing facilities
      4. Benefits such as SUDs, local vernacular, reduced visual impact
    2. Viability:
      1. Whether the prior extraction will prejudice the development of the land by:
        1. Delaying the implementation of the proposed development beyond an acceptable timescale
        2. Affecting the ability of the land to receive the proposed development
        3. Significantly affecting the developments viability
      2. Consideration should be given to the location of potential markets for the mineral, including on site
      3. Does the developer hold the mineral rights
  4. Potential for proximal sterilisation:
    1. Extent of MSA around development and its development potential
    2. Impact of proposed development on current or potential future working of any nearby quarry and the impact of the quarry on the proposed development