Chapter Contents


1 Introduction

North Lincolnshire – The Best Place for our residents and businesses – Best Council we can be.

This is our ambition for the future of the area. We want the area and its communities to be safe, well, prosperous and connected.

We already have a growing and diverse economy. We are at the heart of the Humber Energy Estuary and have a unique location as one of the United Kingdom’s main international trade gateways. North Lincolnshire is recognised as a leader in the following sectors: advanced engineering; chemicals and petro-chemicals; food and drink; metals; and ports, freight and logistics, whilst the tourism sector is also growing.

We are transforming our area to ensure that it is an exciting place for our residents and businesses. It will also contribute towards creating a cleaner, greener and safer North Lincolnshire.

North Lincolnshire is a place where the quality of life is high and the cost of living is low. We have a growing economy and are striving to make the most of our location and the ongoing transformation of our area which is rich in leisure, recreation, culture, heritage and green spaces. These attributes makes it an attractive place for our residents and businesses alike. One of our main priorities is to make sure that growth and development in North Lincolnshire is sustainable and complements and enhances the area’s high quality natural and built environment.

Preparing a new Local Plan provides an opportunity to look afresh at what sort of place we want North Lincolnshire to be in the future. However, we must recognise that it will be difficult to achieve a balance between seeking growth to meet the needs of current and future generations whilst safeguarding the natural, built and historic environments that are so special.

We want our economy to continue to grow and diversify [be prosperous], for there to be opportunities to support the wellbeing of our residents [be safe; be well] and to ensure that everyone is able to access the opportunities that the area provides [be connected]. We also want to be a place that is cleaner, greener and safer.

We want to positively plan for our area’s future, providing for development that is needed and its’ associated infrastructure while retaining the quality of our local environment.

What is a Local Plan?

The Government requires all local councils to develop a long-term plan for their areas to set out how and where land can be developed over the next 15 to 20 years in order to meet the growing needs of local people and businesses. The Plan sets out what (and where) development is acceptable and, once agreed and adopted, will govern how planning applications are assessed. The Plan can also reflect local features and circumstances which give places their very distinct identity.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is the government policy on planning. It is this which places Local Plans at the heart of the system so is essential that they are in place and kept up to date. An up to date Local Plan enables the council to pro-actively guide where, when and how new housing, employment and other development takes place.

The Local Plan will set out a clear vision and objectives for the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It will also be a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design. Its policies and proposals will be used to guide decisions and investment on development and regeneration up to 2036.

The council’s ambition is that North Lincolnshire is the best place for our residents and businesses. Therefore, it is important that we get the Local Plan right so that it will help to deliver this ambition and ensure the council is the best it can be.

A Local Plan should be aspirational but realistic and provide enough flexibility to adjust to rapid change. Therefore, it must be based upon up to date facts (sound evidence).

North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2017 to 2036)

North Lincolnshire Council is preparing a new single Local Plan for North Lincolnshire. Once agreed (formally adopted) it will replace the current North Lincolnshire Local Plan Adopted 2003, the Core Strategy and Housing and Employment Land Allocations Development Plan Documents (DPD), and the Lincolnshire Lakes Area Action Plan (AAP).

There are two reasons why we are preparing a new Local Plan:

  1. A change in legislation (law) since the Core Strategy was adopted. The legislative requirement for plan making has changed and the government’s preferred approach is for each Local Planning Authority to prepare a single Local Plan for its area.
  2. The Core Strategy needs to be reviewed / updated to take account of national planning policy changes.

Together, these changes make it the right time to prepare the new Local Plan in order to provide complete and up to date local policy coverage for North Lincolnshire.

It is also an opportunity to look back and assess what the existing Local Development Framework has achieved since 2011, to re-evaluate the area’s current position, and to look at what type of place North Lincolnshire will be in 19 years’ time and how we intend to get there. The spatial portrait set out in section 2 provides an overview of the transformation that has already taken place over recent years, or is ongoing.

Preparation of the new Plan gives you an opportunity to say what you want for North Lincolnshire. You know your local area and we want to work with you to prepare the new Plan to reflect your views and those of your local community. In particular, we want to know what you think North Lincolnshire should be like in the future and where you want to live.

The Broader Context

As well as the changing planning context our Local Plan is being prepared in a wider context. The way in which our public services are delivered and funded at national and local levels is changing. There is greater emphasis on finding and developing new ways of working across different organisations. This might include joining up or integrating services as well as sharing facilities. For example, the One Public Estate programme is aimed at ensuring the public sector makes the most efficient use of its assets such as land and buildings to stimulate the delivery of housing and to support economic growth.

Stages of the Local Plan

There are a number of stages involved in the Local Plan’s preparation. The timetable for preparing the Local Plan is set out in our Local Development Scheme (LDS) which can be viewed online.

What Have We Done So Far?

We published an Initial (Regulation 18) Consultation document between late February and mid April 2017 in order to raise awareness about the Local Plan and an Issues & Options (Regulation 18) Consultation in February and March 2018. This, together with available evidence and policy, has helped to inform this Preferred Options stage. We have published a summary of the comments received during the consultation stages as part of the evidence base for the Plan so it is clear how this document has been created.

What Happens Next?

Following consideration of all relevant evidence and the comments received at the Preferred Options stage, the Plan will be refined and we will formally publish a draft Local Plan for a further statutory 6 week consultation. After this consultation we will formally submit the comments received alongside the draft Local Plan and supporting evidence to the Government for an Examination in Public. An independent Planning Inspector will be appointed to examine the Local Plan through a series of public hearings. After these hearings the Inspector will consider all evidence and prepare a report setting out whether or not the Plan is ‘sound’. Once this report is received we can adopt the Plan and bring it into force.

National Context

The Local Plan must be prepared in line with relevant legislation [1] and be consistent with the national planning policies. These are set out in NPPF (2018) and the accompanying Planning Practice Guidance as well as in other policy statements.

The NPPF requires all councils to produce a Local Plan and keep it up to date. Without a Plan the council could have less influence over the location of new development and the provision of infrastructure. The Government has placed particular emphasis on the need for economic and housing growth across all areas of England and that this should be delivered by way of an up-to-date Local Plan.

National planning policy sets clear expectations as to how a Local Plan must be positively prepared and developed in order to be justified, effective and consistent with national policy and to deliver sustainable development that meets local needs and national priorities.

Duty to Co-operate

We must prepare the Local Plan with due regard to the Duty to Co-operate [2]. This requires us to work closely with neighbouring authorities and certain other public bodies like Natural England or Historic England on cross-boundary strategic planning issues when preparing the Local Plan as well as on matters that would have a significant impact on two or more local authority areas. North Lincolnshire is bordered by two county councils (Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire), two district councils (Bassetlaw and West Lindsey) and four unitary councils (Doncaster, East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull and North East Lincolnshire).

As part of this co-operation we will seek to identify the economic, social and environmental linkages with neighbouring areas and ensure particular issues are understood and resolved, wherever possible. Similarly, this process will allow North Lincolnshire to influence the Local Plans of our neighbours.

Local Plan Evidence Base

A robust evidence base is required to inform and support the preparation and examination of the Local Plan. A large amount of evidence has already been prepared as part of the Local Development Framework. However, some of this evidence is being reviewed and updated and some additional evidence may be required on issues such as viability.

Neighbourhood Planning

The Localism Act 2011 gave communities more control and influence over their area and how it should develop, with the main tool for doing this being the community-led Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood planning allows residents, employees and businesses to come together through a Town or Parish Council or neighbourhood forum and say where, for example, they think new houses, businesses and shops should be located and what they should look like.

It is not compulsory and should not be used as a way to stop development, and plans must be broadly in line with the Local Plan for the area. In North Lincolnshire, twelve communities have designated Neighbourhood Areas:

  • Appleby
  • Barrow upon Humber
  • Brigg
  • Bonby
  • Elsham
  • Goxhill
  • Kirton in Lindsey
  • Saxby all Saints
  • South Ferriby
  • Winteringham
  • Winterton
  • Worlaby

An up to date list of Neighbourhood Plans and their status can be found by clicking on the following link:

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

The Local Plan must be informed and accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA). This is a statutory process that allows potential environmental, economic and social impacts of the Plan as well as its policies and proposals to be systematically assessed. The SA process also incorporates the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) legislation.

The SA plays an important part in demonstrating that the Local Plan reflects sustainability objectives and has considered all reasonable alternatives. It also advises on ways in which any adverse effects arising from the Plan can be avoided, reduced or mitigated or how any positive effects could be maximised. This helps to shape the Plan and ensure that it is promoting sustainable development. An SA Report will be published at each stage of the Local Plan process. You can give us your views on the Sustainability Appraisal using the methods set out in the 'How do I get involved?' section.

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)

The Local Plan should also be assessed in accordance with the EU Habitats Directive to consider whether the policies or proposals are likely to have a significant effect on any European habitats or species [3] located in or close to North Lincolnshire. Plans can only be adopted if no adverse impact on the integrity of a site or sites in question is proven. Assessments will be published at each stage in the Local Plan process. Again, you can give us your views on the HRA using the methods set out in 'How do I get involved?' section.


An important part of the Local Plan process is making sure that we monitor its success. This means getting an understanding of whether the Plan is being delivered and is effective. As the preparation of the Local Plan moves on and its policies and proposals emerge we will develop a monitoring framework. This is a series of targets and indicators that will be used to test whether or not these policies and proposals are being delivered and are effective. It will also tell us whether or not they need to be reviewed in response to any changes in circumstance. An Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) based on the monitoring framework will be prepared and published to show how the Plan is performing.

Strategic Policies

The NPPF (2018) states that it should be made clear in the local plans, which policies are “strategic policies” [4]. These should be limited to those necessary to address the strategic priorities of the area (and any relevant cross-boundary issues), to provide a clear starting point for any local policies that may be needed. Those local policies may come forward either as part of a single local plan or as part of a subsequent local plan or neighbourhood plan. North Lincolnshire Council consider the following policies in this Plan to be strategic:

  • Policy SS1p: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
  • Policy SS2p: A Spatial Strategy for North Lincolnshire
  • Policy SS3p: Development Principles
  • Policy SS5p: Overall Housing Provision
  • Policy SS6p: Spatial Distribution of Housing Sites
  • Policy SS7p: Strategic Site Allocation - Lincolnshire Lakes
  • Policy SS8p: Employment Land Requirements
  • Policy SS9p: Strategic Site Allocation – South Humber Bank
  • Policy SS10p: Development Limits
  • Policy H5p: North Lincolnshire’s Travelling Communities
  • Policy EC1p: Employment Land Supply
  • Policy TC1p: Retail Hierarchy and Town Centre and District Centre Development
  • Policy RD1p: Supporting Sustainable Development in the Countryside
  • Policy DQE1p: Protection of Landscape, Townscape and Views
  • DQE3p: Biodiversity and Geodiversity
  • DQE6p: Managing Flood Risk
  • DQE8p: Climate Change and Low Carbon Living
  • DQE9p: Renewable Energy Proposals
  • DQE12p: Green Infrastructure Network
  • HE1p: Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment
  • CSC1p: Health and Wellbeing
  • CSC2p: Health Care Provision
  • CSC3p: Protection and Provision of Open Space, Sports and Recreation Facilities
  • CSC8p: Education Facilities
  • CSC10p: Community Facilities and Services
  • MIN1p: Mineral Supply Requirements
  • MIN3p: Mineral Extraction
  • WAS1p: Waste Management Principles
  • ID1p: Delivering Infrastructure

Getting Involved

Preparation of the new Plan gives you an opportunity to say what you want for North Lincolnshire. You know your local area and we want to work with you to prepare the new Plan to reflect your views and those of your local community. In particular, we want to know what you think North Lincolnshire should be like in the future and where you want to live.

To give you more information about the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2017 to 2036) Preferred Options consultation in particular, please visit our Local Plan website at:

There are several ways for you to send responses but we would like to encourage you to submit your views online via our interactive website Doing so should save you time and will allow us to process and consider your comments more quickly. We hope that you will find the website quick and easy to use. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or need assistance.

Once your comments have been submitted they will be processed and added to the interactive website where you will also be able to see what comments have been made by others. Names will be made available unless we are notified otherwise. To protect your privacy all other information you provide when registering will not be open to public view. All of your comments will, however, be publicly available so please ensure that you do not include any personal details within your comments, such as your address.

Responses can also be sent by email to:

A response form is also available on request from the Place Planning Team. If you do not have access to the internet, please respond in writing to:

Local Plan – Preferred Options Consultation
Place Planning
North Lincolnshire Council
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
DN15 6NL

You can also call the Place Planning Team with any questions or to request further information on: 01724 297573

All comments should be submitted by 17:00 on 27 March 2020.

Call for Sites

As part of this consultation we are also asking you to suggest any sites which could be considered for allocation/designation for different uses in the Local Plan. If you have already submitted some land for consideration during the previous stage you do not need to submit it again. These include:

  • Housing (including market housing, affordable housing, self-build housing and specialist housing e.g. housing for older people);
  • Employment (including office, light industrial, general industrial and warehousing);
  • Retail/Town Centre Uses;
  • Travelling Community;
  • Local Green Space/Open Space;
  • Settlement development limits;
  • Waste Management; and
  • Minerals Extraction.

Sites should be submitted using our Site Submission Form. This will help ensure that we have the necessary information required to consider the site’s suitability. More details about how to submit sites can be found on the Call for Sites section of our Local Plan website. Again we would like to encourage you to submit sites online via our interactive website.

Sites should be submitted by 17:00 on 27 March 2020.