Stage 5: Publication Draft Addendum May 2022

Have your say. Be part of the plan

North Lincolnshire Council consulted upon the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2020-2038) Publication Draft, between 15 October 2021 and 3 December 2021. Whilst it was anticipated that this would have been the version of the Plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination, a number of changes are now proposed to the Plan.

This document is an Addendum to the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2020-2038) Publication Draft and contains only focussed proposed changes and any modifications to boundaries on the Policies Map. The Council will only accept comments on these proposed amendments.

All representations made during the consultation periods for the Regulation 19 Publication Draft Local Plan and the Regulation 19 Publication Draft Addendum Local Plan will be submitted, alongside the Local Plan, to the Secretary of State. If you have previously submitted representations on the Regulation 19 Publication Draft Local Plan (October 2021) you do not need to resubmit them again.

Local Plan Publication Draft Addendum

This next step in the Local Plan preparation process includes a six week long consultation on the 'Publication Draft Addendum' of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan. The Addendum together with the Publication Draft of the Plan is the version of the Plan the Council considers to be appropriate for Examination by the Government. Before the Local Plan is submitted to the Government, the Publication Draft Addendum of the Plan is to be made available for technical comments on whether it meets the 'soundness and legal tests' set out in Planning Legislation.

Consultation runs from 5pm Monday 30th May and closes at 5pm Monday 11th July 2022.

A public consultation event is to be held on Monday 20th June 2022 in the School Hall, Baysgarth School, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 6AE 4pm to 7.15pm to allow local people and others to come along to give us their views.

Soundness and Legal Tests

Paragraph 35 of the NPPF requires that local plans are examined to assess whether they have been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements, and whether they are sound. Soundness means asking whether or not the Plan is 'fit for purpose' and 'showing good judgement'. The Examination will explore and investigate the Plan against the Government's four 'tests of soundness':

  1. Positively prepared - providing a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs; and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development;
  2. Justified - an appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence;
  3. Effective - deliverable over the plan period, and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather than deferred, as evidenced by the statement of common ground; and
  4. Consistent with national policy - enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in this Framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant.

Legally compliant means asking whether or not the Plan has been prepared in line with statutory regulations, the 'duty to co-operate' and legal procedural requirements such as the 'Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (see below)'. Details of how the Plan has been prepared are set out in the Statement of Consultation and the Duty to Cooperate Statement.

Publication Draft Addendum May 2022 Documents

Consultation Documents

The North Lincolnshire Local Plan 2020-2038: Publication Draft Addendum, May 2022, should be read in conjunction with the North Lincolnshire Local Plan 2020-2038: Publication Draft, October 2021.

Revised Proposals Map

Revised Local Plan 2020-2038 Key Addendum

Revised 05 - Barnetby le Wold Inset Map

Revised 07- Barton upon Humber Inset Map

New 07a - Barton Upon Humber Proposed Link Road Map

Please note however, we are only consulting this time on the documents listed on this page.

Proposed Submission Documents

Publication Addendum Draft Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal Appendices

Publication Addendum Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment

Statement of Representation Procedure Local Plan Addendum May 2022

Statement of Consultation updated March 2022

Statement of consultation Appendix 4 Publication Draft Consultation March 2022

Evidence Base Documents

A1077 Corridor Improvements Technical Note (December 2021)

Barton Link Road Technical Note #2 (25/03/2022)

North Lincolnshire Retail and Leisure Study 2019 (Incorporating 2020 selective update)

Infrastructure Delivery Plan April 2022

Infrastructure Delivery Schedule April 2022

Local Waste Needs Assessment (LNWA)

Minerals Apportionment Background Paper (updated March 2022)

Statement of Common Ground

The NPPF states that all local planning authorities have a requirement to produce, maintain and keep up to date a Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) to highlight agreement on cross-boundary strategic issues with neighbouring authorities and other relevant organisations.

Similarly, the NPPF and Localism Act 2011 place a duty on local planning authorities and prescribed bodies to co-operate with each other to address strategic issues relevant to their area during plan making. The Duty to Co-operate requires continuous and active engagement during the preparation of the plan.

North Lincolnshire Council has produced a Draft SoCG and DraftDuty to Co-operatewhich set out the discussions with neighbouring local authorities and prescribed bodies on the strategic matters and issues which are relevant to the North Lincolnshire Local Plan, andhow those matters and issues have been resolved or not resolved. A finalised version of the SoCG andDuty to Co-operatewill be prepared for Submission. Ongoing discussions between the Council and its partners continue.

A Draft Statement of Common Ground and Draft Statement of How The Duty To Co-Operate Has Been Met are both available on the Evidence Base page.

Taking part

Comments can be made via our Consultation Portal. The Council will only accept comments on these proposed highlighted amendments. A paper form can be requested if necessary, by emailing This can be returned to this email address or sent via post to:

Local Plan
Place Planning and Housing
Economy & Growth
Business Development
North Lincolnshire Council
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
DN15 6NL
Tel: 01724 296694

More information on how to comment can be found in the Guidance Note and Frequently Asked Questions including important information relating to what to consider when making your comments in terms of Legal Compliance, Soundness and Duty to Co-operate and important GDPR information about how we will use your personal information.

Following consideration of your feedback and any amendments that are required, we will submit the Local Plan to the Government for approval. A planning inspector will be appointed to consider the Plan and comments from the consultation on behalf of the Secretary of State.

If you wish to take part in the hearing session(s) you must outline why you think this is necessary, in your representations at this time. The Inspector will decide the most appropriate procedure to hear from members of the public who would like to participate in hearing(s). This may be in writing, or they may invite you to attend and speak at the hearing sessions.

It is vital that you express your wish to engage in the examination at this stage. Not doing so may mean that you do not have the ability to write to or speak at the hearings. You can always change your mind later but without indicating a potential wish now, there is no way for the Inspector, or their Programme Officer, to know to contact you.